Association of characteristics to a product

Association of characteristics to a product


Route : /api/product_features
Protected : true


id : integer
feature_id : integer (PUT, DELETE), object (POST)
product_id : integer (PUT, DELETE), object (POST)


Return product and feature associations index list

GET /features/{id}
Return product and feature associations found matching feature_id {id}

GET /products/{id}
Return product and feature associations found matching product_id {id}

Requiredfeature_id, product_id
Create a product and feature association using request’s body

POST /features/{id}
Requiredproduct_id as an object with current and new properties. Ex : 
  1. "product_id": {
  2.         "current": 25,
  3.         "new": 21
  4.  }
Update the product and feature associations’ matching product_id->current and feature_id {id} and with product_id->new

POST /products/{id}
Requiredfeature_id as an object with current and new properties. Ex : 
  1. "feature_id": {
  2.         "current": 10,
  3.         "new": 30
  4.  }
Update the product and feature associations’ matching feature_id->current and product_id {id} and with feature_id->new

DELETE /features/{id}
Optionalfeature: {feature_id}
Delete the product and feature  association containing feature {id}. If specified within the body, replace any feature_id using {id} with {feature_id}

DELETE /products/{id}
Optionalproduct: {product_id}
Delete the product and feature association containing product {id}. If specified within the body, replace any product_id using {id} with {feature_value}

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