


Route : /api/manufacturers
Protected : true


id : integer
meta_title : translated
name : string
meta_description : translated
active : boolean
meta_keywords : translated
description : translated
url : translated
url_rewrite : translated
manufacturer_id : integer


Return Manufacturers index list

GET /{id}
Return details of the Manufacturer {id}

Requiredid, name
Optionaldescription, url_rewrite, meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords, url
Create a Manufacturer using request’s body

POST /{id}
Optionalps_id, active, name, description, url_rewrite, meta_title, meta_description, meta_keywords, url
Update the Manufacturer {id} according to the keys and values given in body

DELETE /{id}
Optionalmanufacturer: {manufacturer_id}
Delete the Manufacturer {id}. If specified within the body, replace any model’s manufacturer_id using {id} with {manufacturer_id}

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