Field types

Field types

Boolean : true, false, 0 or 1

Float : will be rounded to the 4th decimal

Id : When specified in route, you have to use the ID from your own system. EveryParts will then store it in the field named ps_id. Only exception goes for the products where it is stored in the product_id field. For your own convenience, we will display both id (internal one) and ps_id (external one) when possible. If you have to input an ID (model_id, product_id, etc.) you have to use external IDs matching the one stored in your own system.

Translated : object containing at least 1 row with a language iso-code and a string value attached to it, as shown below.
    "name": {
        "fr": "my name translated in FR",
        "en": "my name translated in EN"

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