After selecting at least one of the listed products, the menu Group actions appears next to the buttons Select everything and Deselecting everything. Possible Group Actions are: Making selection universal Make the selection specific Make the ...
Route /api/compats Protected true modele_id integer product_id integer year integer GET / Return compatibilities index list GET /modeles/{id} Return compatibilities found matching modele_id {id} GET /products/{id} Return compatibilities found ...
Use of Route:/api/products Protected:True Attributes Id:Integer Provider_reference: string Name: string Ean13: string Reference: string Product_ids: Array Status: string Roads Get / Returns the product list Get /{id} Returns details of the product ...
The address of the associated products table is used to search and filter the data in the table: This allows you to quickly find a product using the following filters: Identifier of the product Name of the product Reference of the product EAN13 of ...
Usage Route : /api/export Protected : true Endpoints GET / Export all your model/product associations to ElasticSearch. DELETE /delete Empty your ElasticSearch index. Warning : this operation is not reversible!